Elegance. Sophistication. Richness. Beauty. Quality.
These are all words that come to mind when one thinks of fine jewelry. The same words can be used when describing the characteristics of the fine architectural products manufactured by Stromberg Architectural. For the Jared's Jewelry store in St. Louis, MO, we were called upon to fabricate custom designed diamond shaped medallions along with custom cornice, lintels, panels and pilasters.
To properly convey a sense of class for a retail store, the experience must first begin upon arrival. The Jared's Jewelry storefront is flanked by tasteful pilasters and panels which are adorned with striking diamond shaped medallions crafted from our specialized GFRS material. Crowning the building is 78 linear feet of cornice, adding just the right touch of style and grace.
About the material
Glass Fiber Reinforced Stone is a distinct material, exclusive to Stromberg Architectural. We use a polymer backing material to reinforce a crushed stone and resin façade. With this process we are able to offer clients the look and texture of quarried stone with the light weight and high strength properties of GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer). Products ranging from balustrade to columns, from domes to cornice call all be made using GFRS.
If you would like more information about our materials or products, please feel free to contact us!

project profile
Name | Jared Jewelry |
Location | St. Louis, MO |
Dates | 2004-2005 |
Materials | Glass Fiber Reinforced Stone (GFRS) |
Products | Custom designed diamond medallions, fiberglass reinforced cornice, fiberglass reinforced panels and lintels |
Type | New Construction |